VFC Fly-Out Bug   

Welcome to the Fly-Out information section.

Get the latest on the upcoming Fly-Outs right here. Check out the schedule in the right menu and click on individual dates to see details.


This site provides information about planned flyouts. It is provided to allow members to coordinate their plans in an effort to enhance the social benefit of participation in each event. Event timings are provided as a general guide but not to dictate how you must proceed. Pilots are still responsible for their aircraft as well as the decision to fly based on all relevant information available from all the usual sources at the time of departure.


Passengers may use the site as well. If you would like to participate in the flyouts but are not a pilot or do not have access to an aircraft for a given event, you can still signup as a passenger. You are usually expected to pay for your share of flight costs. The actual ammount can be confirmed with the PIC of your assigned aircraft. Just sign-up for the flyout and check the box that says "Passenger Only".

How to participate

Simply click on any of the flyouts in the schedule on the right. Each event has a "Participate" button that you can click to indicate that you will attend. You must create an account on this site and supply some basic information to allow us to keep track of who is coming and to contact you if required.
Fly-Out Schedule
Day Date Destination

A $20 per hour discount on VFC aircraft wil remain in effect during these events and a new fuel discount (for owners) is being implemented for any VFC member participationg in these flyouts.

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